As of today...a loving work in progress at Finch Street Studios...
6 Artist studios workspaces created in Houston near the Heights for 2010 occupancy!!!!
This is an unfinished hallway of Finch Street Studios....recycled corrugated tin/recycled redwood trim door and a lovely view back to the kitchen area and stairs to 4 studios on second floor.
Yardstick sliding door used for the entrance to measures up!!!!
Walls will become white and suitable for hanging ART!!!!
The handmade recycled tin door ( metal found on streets of the Heights) for Studio One at Finch Street Studios. Trim is old redwood found also on the streets of Houston about 7 years ago. Yepper, one of those "Someday, I am going to do something with that..." moments that came true!
Things are moving right along but of course the details are numerous!!!!
Call for more info about studio rental sizes and rates and a preview tour....
Kiki Neumann
Houston Texas
281 -235 -9523
OKAY>>>>>>>Keep on scrolling down...more of Finch Street Studios to look and see!